Sunday, February 01, 2009

Viva Las Vegas - Coach Coaching

You'll recall I'm now a qualified Mountain Bike Instructor :D
A wee while back, Mad March Racing asked me if I'd like to do some coaching for them this summer. MMR are the premier coaches so I was well chuffed and of course said yes.
Shaums (March) held a mini camp for the coaches in Vegas at the end of Jan so I packed up my sun lotion and headed off to the desert!

Welcome to America!

Vancouver was still pretty snowed in so it wasn't too hard to head south

The main point of the weekend was to ensure all the coaches were teaching the same stuff and up to Shaums' high standards so we spent most of our time in the "classroom"

This (left) is our classroom :D

chairs nabbed from the hotel and we're good to go!

Shaums teaching us to jump :)

....and drop

but obviously we couldn't spend all day in Boulder Canyon without going for a ride there


it actually got quite dark on the way home but we still managed to find a concrete flood channel to ride out all the way downhill back to the hotel - complete with sections under the roads only an inch higher than our handlebars!

After two days in the desert it was time to hit the strip and see what Vegas has to offer

Two of the first people we met were newly weds - naturally we shoved the groom aside to have our picture taken with his lovely bride :)

The strip is an odd place. One minute you have your photo taken with a bride, the next there's a volcanic eruption across the street!

so we headed inside to the safety of the modestly appointed shopping mall....

 was a sophisticated night ;)

my hotel. Quiet little place.

Vegas is something else. Miniature plastic skyscrapers at New York New York complete with a roller coaster

Genuine plastic

and my favourite thing in Vegas. The cop cars with bike racks on!!! (for bike patrol officers in case you're wondering)

Yes, they have it all here. A fraction of the size and made of plastic. After a day on the strip I was ready to leave. Give me the real mountains of BC any day.

and the real rivers and lakes - no indoor gondola rides in BC and that's a good thing

Pirate show - literally beside the street was kinda cool

....but the girl pirates were much better ;)

Viva Las Vegas. I did take in a Cirque show while I was in town and that was very good but aside from that I'm quite happy for was happens in Vegas to stay in Vegas thank you very much!!

Thanks to Shaums for an excellent weekend of great coaching, great people and great fun :D

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