Sunday, April 19, 2009

More Cypress

I'm starting to get the hang of the new bike now. It was about 7 months since I last rode a big bike so it's taken me a while to get the hang of it again but I'm starting to get faster on it now :)

Here she is in her natural element

Jon, Euan and I spent a little quality time on Cypress again the other day. Euan brought his camera so we did a few little photo sessions (on my Session haha)

Here's Euan on Sex-Girl (its the name of the trail - one of the best trails on Cypress)

Jon on the rocks

Euan on the same move

Jon dropping a sniper downhill drop that comes at the end of along slippery rock - pretty scary to ride into as it feels like any minute the speed will get away from you, you'll miss the corner and fly off the rock into the rocks!! Nice one Jon

(Euan's pictures here on)

This is another view of the same move - although it doesnt look it, from me (background) to Jon is steep and slippery

This roll is a lot steeper than it looks - I almost couldnt work out where this was - until I thought back to where we'd stopped. a shame the photo flattens it. I was considering jumping it but the speed I'd land with frightens me! As ever with The Shore, it's not the move itself that's the problem, it's the run in and/or run out!

Riding by Jon.

Me on the big rock roll - again the photo flatterns it. It's pretty big and pretty steep but I have to say pretty fun (as long as you make the corner) ;)

Me on another techy drop - this is an optional line but I always go this way cos the rocks are off camber the other way and they freak me out!

How about in black and white?

Another angle of the same thing - I like this one - nice shooting Euan!

So another great day on Cyp - particularly as the conditions are so good right now (below the snow line that is) For now though, I'm concentrating on the fast trails to try and get my groove on before the racing starts.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My sweet new ride :D

She's here. Session88DH by Trek
If you have the means.....

my babies

and nestled in the quiver back home


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sunshine Coast 2009 visit #1

It's been way too long since we've been to The Sunshine Coast. Obviously snow has been the main problem - as with most places round these parts but reports said it was good to go so off we went to the ferry (not so) bright and early Easter Saturday

The snow stopped us driving right to the top but only by a couple hundred metres - the trail itself was mint :)

Here's me enjoying the legendary SSC flow

....and then we took a connector trail to the DH track. There was a ton of deadfall which I insisted we clear.

Fortunately Guy had a pocket chainsaw with him which made quick work of the trees we couldnt drag out of the way

We had a great day (of course) but the cherry on the cake was possibly my favourite trail anywhere - Gnome. No stunts, no technical bits and no tight corners - just flat out fast trails weaving gently through the trees with enless opportunities to take to the air. Gnome is the perfect metaphor for The Sunshine Coast, If you have the means, I highly recommend it ;)

Me seconds away from dropping into Gnome :D
The Rat Race is here in a few short weeks so we'll be back for some race training and then of course the for race itself. I managed 3rd last year so hoping to do well again this year. I can't wait. A shame D won't be there though :( she'll be in Andorra (of all places) racing the 2nd round of the World Cup - lucky (although luck has nothing to do with it!) girl :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

mmmmm Cypress

After being on-ice all winter the snow is finally melting and the lower trails are now back in action. Cypress is perfect right now - dry enough to ride without ripping it to pieces, but moist enough to give some grip (Cypress gets pretty sketchy in the summer when its dry and dusty)

Here's the picture-of-the-day by Euan of moi on an old trail we've just discovered

....and another angle. This log was covered in slime so there were only a couple of takers!

Penny Deck's an extremely good technical rider and so very at home on steep, technical Cypress


This drop is way sketchy - a loooong slippery approach down the steep muddy rock across some roots then drop down onto a very small landing - kinda fun ;)

In between runs we saw this bride and groom having their pictures taken on the mountain
(they're the tiny spec on the left!)

mean while, back in the woods, here's Dave rolling into what is actually a scary feature. It rolls over steeper and steeper then into a sketchy(notice a pattern here?) run out - although it looks like nothing in this photo lol

a better angle - you cant really stand on it beyond where Jon's standing and certainly not where Penny is riding!

Mrs Deck again

One of my favourite bits here - a whole mess of roots with a log right where Euan is in this photo. There's two choices here: 1: manhandle your bike over the log and down (riders) right or 2: jump the log, go straight across the roots and down riders left

Euan and Euan taking the right line

Penny and Penny again - like I said, extremely good technical rider

and here we see me on a very un-Cypress like trail with a series of smooth jumps and drops
(picture by Euan)

And again from the side

....we did multiple laps - here's Jon and I back at the big rock roll "you go first" "no you" "no you"

(3 more of Euan's photos)

Jon went first ;)

...and then me :)

Another great day on Cypress. Thanks to Euan for taking some awesome photos.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

First Race of the Season - Port Angeles, Washington USA

After yet another satisfying day on Cypress a couple of my friends mentioned a race going on at Port Angeles, West of Seattle in the good old US of A. After a favourable weather forecast a few days later I signed up and booked a hotel - we were goin' racin'!!!!

It may be fairly close but it takes a while (and a ferry - but THAT is another story ;)) to get there. It was pretty late by the time we pulled in so D was already well into sleep mode!

After a hearty breakfast we joined the other 408 riders on the hill.

Yes, 410 racers this weekend - a very good thing the FluidRide crew are well organised! After some issues with the payment terms (no credit cards or "foriegn" money) and an decent line up for the shuttle we climbed into the back of one of the box trucks for the journey up. Apparently the lights in the back of the trucks don't work when it's running which meant for a very weird sensory deprevation experience every lap! It was DARK in those trucks!

The track was really fun. Suuuuuper fast at the top but with loads of swoopy bits and a couple of kicker style jumps then down into some wooded sections with lots of tight singletrack. With a sizeable jump or two and the odd technical bit the track had a bit of everything :)

My new bike hadn't turned up yet so I was racing my trusty Norco Six - despite getting a bit bumpy in places it didn't seem to slow me down too much ;)

Practice day was sooo much fun but quite long due to the line up between runs - no real fault of the organisers, it was just a victim of it's own success!

I guess we were one of the last to leave - notice the dual track beside the car

Spinning before bedtime

.....pretty cute eh? Session 88 DH ;)

Pre-race atmosphere up top

Tim keeping it low- so fast I couldnt get him in focus!

D on her way to qualifying 3rd in Pro Women

Miranda "she's so fast right now"Miller qualified 1st with a blistering run - and followed it up with first in the finals. A great start to the season for the nice girl from Squamish

After a wee mix up with the start time Danice had to sprint to make the start but, ever cool under pressure, she pinned her race run to knock a chunk off her quali time to secure 3rd place.

The all "Canadian" Women's Pro Podium - Danice, Katie and Miranda. Well done ladies :)

The actual podium

Ken was one of the many Canadians who did well - Ken won Senior Men - nice job mate.

My race day was a mixed bag. I had the best run of the weekend in practice but got a little over excited in my race run and crashed. Oops. I'd guess it cost me 8-10 seconds and I still pulled in 15th of 30 odd old guys (and naturally I lied about my age and raced in 30-39 where I should really be in 40-49!!!) So all in all, I was happy :)

And so it was all over and it's only just begun!!
All that remained was the drive home - a great opportunity to analyze and discuss the race.
I sooooo can't wait for my new bike to turn up :)

The drive home was conveniently broken up by a stroll on the beach :)

"you're a mermaid"

D taking pictures of the moon

I'll be back ;)

Click here to watch Harold's great video of the race with an emphasis on Canadian riders