Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Rat Race

Yes, ladies and gentlemen I made the podium! :D
2nd place in the "30's" was an awesome result - I asked permission from Cycling BC to race 30's this season as I think I'm fast enough - I should really be in the "40's" with my 40th birthday this year

I was pretty happy to have beaten all the 40's too- it would have been embarrassing to make a big fuss to stay in the younger (faster) category only to have been beaten by the 40's!!

"Battlestar Galactic" loaded and ready to go (you can't see the bikes inside or the rack on the back)

Yay!!!! (1st place (Eric) is on the previous page of the print out)

The Pro Men - the winner was 17 seconds faster than this old man. Tim (2nd) lent me tyres and gave me some great coaching so thanks Timmeh.

Eric had to catch the Ferry so just Clark and I on the podium

Loads of my friends made the podiums including Dr Mega (Meghan) who moved up to the (serious) licensed category this season and smoked the opposition to win :)

Our shuttle drive Rich, pretending he doesn't have a broken arm and recently dislocated shoulder - Tim's bike.

Thanks for the all the driving Rich. Awesome.

Hopefully I'll find some photos of me to put up soon.

Our thoughts go out today to Danice's bike which got mangled by the Canadian Ripper at this weekend's world cup. Fingers crossed to get everything up and running for Andorra and healing vibes to Danice who is pretty sore from the experience. Awesome ride to 11th in quali's though :D

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