Saturday, May 21, 2005

Sat 21st - What didn't I do?

Well today was quite a day. I went out around lunchtime to do a couple laps via the Huckwagon. On the first uplift I buddied up with Grant, an ex-Scot on a Demo9 and we hit CBC. While catching our breath at the bottom, Kit(?) and John from Hukk Bikes rolled up. I rode with Kit the other day, so he asked if I wanted to join them for some Boogieman action - hell yeh!!

Well they certainly didn't hang around - we totally ripped Boogieman, it was fantastic. Once at the bottom they offered a place in their truck to do another lap with them (thanks to John's girlfriend Dawn for shuttling). This time we hit CBC to start but at warp speed - other riders scattered as we ripped through!! It was quite a train the hang on to and made me think about going back to 8inch supsension again. We also hit a couple more extreme trails to drop down to Ned's which we followed all the way - what a ride - big airs, fast fast gnarly rocks, sweet. To finish off Kit took us to some dirt jumps - wow, lines everywhere!! And I did my first ever dirt jumps!! A long time coming. After our session I rolled home, showered and wandered off to Deep Cove for something to eat and drop into the shop.....

.....which is where I bumped into (Huckwagon) Tim again - he said "hey Martn, we're going for a couple laps, wanna come?" It being rude to refuse a ride on The Shore with locals, I rushed home and put my gear back on. And then it rained again! Thanks to Dub (again) for driving. We did CBC, Boogieman, Empress and pinned it all the way! Then just when we couldn't get any wetter, we headed over to Cypress and hit a quick (oh yes quick) Family Guy.

What a day - 4 runs - and all at race pace. Wild.
Oh and did I say I bumped into Andy and his wive from back home?

Fri 20th - if you go down to the woods today...

Well, what do you know but now my time is nearly up the sun is shining!
No sign of the ride I was hoping for today but luckily Barb was itching for a ride after blazing down the mountain yesterday. Less than half way up Mountain Highway we passed two bears sitting on the side of the road!! They soon ran off into the woods though but makes you realize how closely bears and people live.

We hit a new trail for me - Dales's Trail. Its a real old one which showed in places but it was in real good condition so great to ride. I even managed the Teeter-totter - made more interesting by the fact that either side of the 2inch chicken wire would spell disaster.

Thanks to Mom for running back up with Barb to pick up the truck and for inviting me to join them for dinner but I had other plans - The Sith Lord called to me - and I saw it despite having to go to three cinemas before finding one that had tickets!! Ended up at the 10pm show downtown - fortunately Vancouver public transport is first rate and got me home safely at about 2am!!


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Thur 19th May - Pesky no good, good frr nuthin!!

So we were due to take out some guy for a ride but he didn't show - could it be the rain perhaps?

So, Cory (Pist-N-Broke productions), Barb and I did a lap in the rain. Thanks to Johnny for shuttling us up. The trails were very wet but it rocked as usual. Cory is on the Cove Bikes Team so it was great fun trying to follow his lines! And Barb was on fire on her singlespeed hardtail - damn that women is fast - no wonder they gave her a gold at the World Champs!
While we were out, we even stopped by the trail building guys and carried some rocks around - it was actually kinda fun pushing a wheelbarrow over the skinnies and across log rides!

Johnny's on a tour for a few days now so I wont see him again 'til July. I'm hoping to hook up for some riding in my last three days but I've done plenty so I'm not greedy. I'll just see who turns up.


The story so far.... (links now actually work)

So I still haven't worked out how to post photo's but I can do links, so click on the highlighted words to see some pics.

Deep Cove is a beautiful place, at the foot of Mt Seymour's legendary bike trails, on the shore of The Deep Cove inlet off Burrard Inlet. Paradise. Rainy paradise but paradise nevertheless.
The food is great, and I've made loads of new friends. So much to do and look at. And did I mention the property is pretty affordable too? Whistler is a couple hours away and Vancouver is just across the water. Oh, and there's a pretty good bike shop too!

Alas, my time here is nearly at an end

.....but I'll be back!!

Wed 18th - Rippin with the guys

Okay, so its raining again right? Well they don't call it British Columbia for nothin'

Went down to Rocky Mountain with Johnny to pick up his new RMX then spent most of the day at The Cove while he put it together, entertainment by Mr Simmons goofing around while he serviced his own bike.

Well, Johnny had to brake in the new bike so we hit some trails off Seymour with Wade and the guys - really givin' it down the sickest stuff - and of course it was raining - which you know by now make it more fun!

I want some Saint Brakes, after riding Wade's they are the only way to go. Hmm, wonder if someone makes a converter for Hope hubs yet?

.....oh, and we went to checkout Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy just to round the night off!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Tue 17th - Sun, rain and hail

After a wee bit of alcohol at The Raven I had real good night sleep and got up about 11! The sun was shining so we went to hit some trails on Seymour with Eric of 243racing and Dan with Johnny leading of course.

All started well with a nice little traverse, a couple of tricky ups called for a push but no big deal, then it started to to get a way more interesting - some nice steeps in short little bursts with way too many roots - well I guess probably just the right amount of roots. Anywho, it was cool.

It was about this time we noticed it was raining way above us above the trees. Of course, as soon as we got out in the open (to climb back up a little) the heavens opened - 3 or 4 minutes later we were soaked to the skin - then the hail started! Fortunately we were near the next trail so dived down it through the falling ice! (nice) and one techy trail or 5 minutes later we were back in The Cove and the sun ws shining - BC weather is so interesting!

I havnt worked out the photo thing on here yet so check in regularly and I'll keep working on it.


Yes, I too have a BLOG!

Its about time I got into this whole inter-web business so here I am, BLOGed up and ready to go!

Expect to find lots of meaningless drivvle on here about this that and everything....

If you're a cute single women in BC email me on right now!