Saturday, May 21, 2005

Fri 20th - if you go down to the woods today...

Well, what do you know but now my time is nearly up the sun is shining!
No sign of the ride I was hoping for today but luckily Barb was itching for a ride after blazing down the mountain yesterday. Less than half way up Mountain Highway we passed two bears sitting on the side of the road!! They soon ran off into the woods though but makes you realize how closely bears and people live.

We hit a new trail for me - Dales's Trail. Its a real old one which showed in places but it was in real good condition so great to ride. I even managed the Teeter-totter - made more interesting by the fact that either side of the 2inch chicken wire would spell disaster.

Thanks to Mom for running back up with Barb to pick up the truck and for inviting me to join them for dinner but I had other plans - The Sith Lord called to me - and I saw it despite having to go to three cinemas before finding one that had tickets!! Ended up at the 10pm show downtown - fortunately Vancouver public transport is first rate and got me home safely at about 2am!!


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