Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Introducing Mr and Mrs Fisher :-)

It was almost a couple of weeks ago now but here are some pics from my dear friends' wedding in Austria. Ed and Tina, what can I say? Have a great life together, I KNOW you'll be very happy. Gii.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy New Year! #2

So this week was the Chinese New Year. We're now in the year of the Dog. At Kwantlen (Uni College) they have a language buddy program which encourages students learning to speak English to mix with those that already do. Today was one of there little outings so I went along. Countries represented by our group were, Finland, China, Japan, Indonesia, Fiji, Canada and England of course.


It was a huge parade, with seemingly thousands of people it went on for ages

After the parade there were a few things going on in Chinatown, we stopped by the water garden just as it was starting to rain so....

We left and went into the Chinese Mall for a spot to eat and to warm up

And that was that, yet another good reason to live in Vancouver!

Sat 28th Jan - Whistler (yawn)!

Whistler is soooo last week darling!

Now that the days are getting a little longer it's actually daylight when I drive up there. There are some beautiful views on the way.....

...and when you get there

Even though it was a saturday with a foot of fresh snow the night before, it was still pretty quite on the slopes

In places the snow was so soft and deep it was like skiing through a bubble bath - or at least through the bubbles - there was certainly nothing warm about the weather!

Maybe all the people were actually buried in the powder?

Unfortunately a day in Whistler ends all too quickly. The lifts shut, the sun disappears and all that's left is shopping and the rainy drive back to Van. Its about 90mins drive but its windy road all the way so not much fun in the rain at night. But it's worth it.

I'll be back......

Friday, January 27, 2006

!!!!!!!!! - C O L D P L A Y - !!!!!!!!

Tonight we saw Coldplay downtown. They were amazing......
I took some vids but they're quite big files and contain a LOT of Kiyoka screeming so here's the pic of the 130+ photos we took!

I could so go back tomorrow night (or is that tonight - it's after 2!)

They were brilliant. If you have the means, I highly recommend them.

What to do on a rainy wednesday......

I dont have any classes on a Wednesday so after a hard morning of study at home I rewarded myself with a trip up the road to Cypress Mountain.

Unfortunately I forgot my camera (left it charging) so took this pic with my phone on my way up the chairlift. There are three mountains to ski on in Vancouver. Seymour (where I live) Grouse and Cypress and thats also the increasing order of ski trails. I skied from about 1pm until 7pm which was floodlit so a new experience for me. Its pretty good although I advise staying on the properly lit trails - I took a couple runs down one of the black runs in the dark and it was pretty tricky let me tell you!!!!

Anyway, if you're in the area, try Cypress, I recommend it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Are you sitting comfortably?

At last! Something to sit on! The floor was getting a bit, well the novelty had worn off so I got this sofa for $200 (about £90) Bargin! And of course, we just threw it in the back of the truck!

I know its just a selfish indulgence but I'm thinking about getting a table next!!!

Saturday 21st - Clubbin'

So being a student, I went clubbing on saturday night. It's been a while but it was fun - I didnt want to go home - but did at 3am!

The photo was taken in the underground carpark on the way home....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

New Shoes?


Sunday, January 15, 2006

It's stopped raining! (almost!)

Sunday. On the 29th consecutive rainy day in Vancouver it was actually almost dry. The first time I've seen dry roads on the North Shore since I got here! To celebrate the barmy weather (we almost saw the sun y'know) we went down to Deep Cove.

It's very pretty here (when I'm not spoiling the view that is!)

Lookout! Shark!

Deep Cove is at the bottom of Mount Seymour. After walking all around the cove we drove up to the ski-hill on the top of Seymour - It looks surprisingly good. More runs than I imagined. Expect ski trip number 3 to be on one of the local mountains very soon.......

oh and if anyone really wants to see ALL the photos you can here http://skip.fotopic.net/c829834.html

Whistler - again!

So I heard that Martin Cannon was going to be in Whistler this week so I made a point of rolling up there again to do a few runs with him. This is Joan, the Ski-Host who kindly took our photo....

Kiyoka has been skiing since she was 6 so she came along too :-)

Although it was raining at the bottom, the skiing was awesome further up in the brilliant snow conditions.....Although it was cold

After a few runs with Martin, we said our goodbyes and while he went down for lunch we headed further up to get in as much ski time as possible before the lifts shut. We did stop for a bite to eat (at the top) but didn't eat this traditional Canadian dish as it's clearly WRONG! Gravy? On chips. Noooooooooooooo!

And so back to skiing.... Kiyoka's a really good skier so I was teaching her to ski backwards...... with a lot of laughs and a varying degree of success! - sorry about the neck/shoulder/arm Kiyoka :-(

but all too soon the sun started to go down and the lifts shut for the day
......so we decided to to make our final run last a long a possible

by making a snow-woman modeled on the Japanese lady with the pink hat....

...and practiced a bit of juggling. S'funny y'know, ice is very slippery stuff to juggle!

You know, I always thought Japanese people were short - Kiyoka is actually 57ft tall.....

Once we got down, we did a bit of gear-fondling in the shops (I realllllllly want a pair of those Bandit skis!) and had a slap up binge at Mrs Miggins Pie Shoppe before heading back to Van. Fortunately leaving late meant there was no traffic - awesome!

Thanks again to Martin for meeting up, and I hope he enjoys the rest of him holiday here in the best place in the world!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Home sweet home

After a bit of a drought of photos I'm gonna make up for it with a quick tour of my new place.....
For starters, it's on Mount Seymour, home to the most popular bike trails on The North Shore.

This is the house, I've got the middle floor

its in a nice neighbourhood

I can park my truck right outside and walk in my own gate (which they say should stop the bears from going through my garbage!)

This is my own front yard

which leads to the deck - ground level(ish) at front and overlooking the basement appartment garden out back. Enough room for alfresco dining or the odd BBQ! (the stairs are a fire exit from upstairs)

This is the view out of my lounge window

here's the lounge from the kitchen

and the kitchen from the lounge

which of course comes with a huge fridge! (just for milk and beer!)

the view out back from the kitchen (you can actually see a bit of the mountains)

as they say on MTV Cribs - this is where the magic happens!! Hopefully that'd be the magic conjouring of furniture type of magic then!!!!!



bike/ski storage

and there is also a 2nd bedroom so get your reservations in early!!!!
Anyway, gotta go back to uni now, I've got Business Law for 3 hours - I do hope it's good!