Thursday, January 12, 2006

Record rainfall n Vancouver (almost)

I heard on the radio this morning that Vancouver has had 25 days of rain - the record is 29! Just my luck to arrive in a monsoon - I dont think I've driven on a dry road yet!!

I collected the keys for the new place tonight and following a visit to Ikea have it almost ready to move in.....Unfortunately my new mattress got wet on the way back from Ikea - not surprising if you could see how wet it is here! Its drying out so hopefully be in there for the weekend.

Speaking of which I'm off to Whister again this Saturday. I have a friend coming and I'm meeting Martin from Tesco (isn't that me? No!) so should be a bit more sociable than last week.
Anyway, gotta study and get some sleep - got an 8am class again tomorrow and I can't get the drive down beyond 45mins so "early 2 about sums it up!


1 comment:

Delbert said...

Sounds tough Skip, glad you got a place sorted out. Gill