Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"spring" conditions....

Not too much going on this week in the land of Martn as I have so much school work. But I did get totally fed up of assignments on Saturday so went up to Cypress for a bit of spring skiing. For those that dont know "spring" skiing means "slush" skiing! Well it's not that bad if you stay higher up, but on the lower slopes its like porridge.

It does have its good points though - its soft to fall in for one and it also allows good technique practice since its akin to skiing in s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n! The North Shore mountains shut for skiing etc on Monday so thats gonna be pretty sad :'( I think I might have to try my snowboarding one more time while it's soft!

It's a good think Whistler is open til June! :-)

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