Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunshine Coast Club Ride

Today was the clubride to The Sunshine Coast - a stretch of mainland that's much quicker to get to by ferry. The trails are quite mellow by Shore standards but they're loamy and soooooo much fun :-) 50+ people turned up

Jon Getting his skinny on

Almost Rich....

Jon was on it today

as was Rich

lunch before our final lap of the day. I was riding pretty well - I got everything I tried including the swival-teeter and a couple super-skinnies - I did leave the bigger drops to Rich and Jon - With my recent crash history I'm spooked by anything bigger than me! - but I'm not worried, there's no shortage of drops to play on in these parts ;-)

but all too soon it was over. A great day with sweet trails and good company.

Unfortunately we did have one real low point when Michele had a BIG crash on not-such-a-good run out from a great jump - she's pretty beaten up and has some great tire tracks across her legs (which were actually made by the impact of her leg armour) heal soon Miss Michele!

I'm off to CBC tomorrow with Derek (fresh back from Peru) for some practice before the CBC Ripper next week - I'm going to take the big bike which should be interesting - I havent managed to ride it properly this year so far - I keep falling off it! With such a good day today on my fantastic Brodie, I'm hoping I can transfer some skills onto the beast :-S

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