Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Christmas in Blighty

It was great to be back on home turf - after a whole year away some things never change, then again, some things do.

Chips do not change. They are still great soaked in vinegar and are still no good for your health but that doesnt stop me missing them in Canada where all you can get is 'fries'

Another thing that doesnt change is good people. It was great to be back amongst old friends again. Friends that know me well - perhaps a little too well. I was lucky enough so spend quite a bit of time with my favourite people while I was back and Ed even lent me his favourite bike to play on. I only did a couple rides but they were both really good - sub-zero temperatures may have had Sara's toes frozen solid both times but it also meant the ground (and more importantly the mud) was frozen solid - sweet!! This photo is just down the road from "Skippy's Garden" at Woolmer Green - Sara, Jackie, Brian and I did the whole Mardley thing and I had a great time tearing around some of my old favourite trails. Thanks peeps.

Another couple of my best friends are Adrian and Esther. I saw them quite a bit too fortunately - and enjoyed my other culinary weakness - and the thing that makes no2 on the "things I miss most" - Curry! Chicken Tikka Balti - mmmmmmm, curry :-)

One time I dropped round to see Ade he was down the garden playing with his chopper! I didnt know it before but he's a bit of a model helicopter pilot - and quite a good one too. Once I talked him inside into the warm he confessed to having just bought a new micro heli which of course I insisted he assemble and demonstrate - which he was only too happy to do. Its an amazing little toy - erherr - model - the only problem being its incredibly difficult to fly - even for an old pro like Ade. Click on the video to see this amazing little gadget go

Another of my good friends, Alix also had a new toy, courtesy of her boyfriend Happy Jon. He knows her penchant for such things so bought her some poi for Christmas. Her poi have coloured lights inside so you can see them more clearly - within half an hour Alix was pretty comfortable with them - I think she should join a circus - she always takes to this kind of stuff - and she's proficient on a unicycle too!
The photos cam out pretty well I think!

Here's Jon showing how it should be done (I give it about a day before Alix puts him to shame!)

It was good to see Alix, Gill and Derek again - and taste a good home-cooked spag-bol mmmmmmmm

click on the video to see Alix in action

Back again to riding - I met up with a load of people at Sara's one frosty morning for a session in Broxbourne - my old favourite stomping ground.

The pic is of Sara's Ostriches - well oh, yes, I know they're actually Rheas but I think everyone knows what I mean if I say Ostriches!

It was a great ride - most of the old favourite singletracks - they havent changed either - just the occasional extra log to hop. Ed made it to this ride which was brilliant as he was injured last year when I came over - 2 years since we'd ridden together - thats crazy! We had a giggle flying down some of our favourite old tracks - they might not be exactly 'extreme' but they're still loads of fun

Here's Sara coming out of the mist at Hertford Heath- i always thought this old bridleway looked pretty :-)

And another misty shot - this time Ed, Sara and Simon? I think - not bad this one as I took it over my shoulder whilst riding along over pot holes

more mistiness. Thanks to everyone for another great ride today - and especially to Ed and Sara - two of the best people you could ever ride with - and also to Sara for the egg and bacon sarnies apres-ride mmmmmmmm e & B sarnies!

Christmas Eve and back round at Adrian and Esther's Ade got some FIRE poi for Christmas! It says in the instructions not to light them until you become expert at using them but the baying crowd wouldnt let him get away without a live fire demo. Adrian bravely set light to them and actually did very well - and survived with only a couple of scorch marks!

Again, they made for great pictures

click the videos for the drunken hilarity!

Christmas Day saw me at Dads with Janet's family (that'd be my Step Auntie, Uncle and cousins. We had a few laughs over various silly games although I was fighting the onset of man-flu

Boxing Day it was home with mum, sis and my brand new (well 8 month old) Nephew, Finlay. He's a happy little fella - rarely crying and always smiling. It was good to finally see my sis as a mum - with Mark and Fin they make a very happy family. Awww :-)

Fin seemed to enjoy the wrapping paper more than his presents!

So some things never change: Good people, good trails, good times. On the other hand some things do change: My sis is now a mum and has a family, practically everyone seems to have moved house, and of course, this is no longer home for me. Home now is Vancouver but somehow Hertfordshire still feels like home.

Thanks to everyone for your hospitality - especially mum and Tim for putting me up, feeding me and lending me wheels for my stay :-)
It was very sad to leave you all again, but it just makes me look forward to my next visit even more.....then again, you could always visit me......

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