Saturday, April 05, 2008

Squampton Toonie Downhill race

For those that dont know a toonie race is an informal race that costs $2 to enter - a "toonie" coin. At Squamish they've been having toonie cross country races for years but this year marks the start of the downhill toonie races. We went along to show support and get some early season race training (Pah!) in.

As you can see - Rich made sure his bike was in top working order (sniggers).

Meg had a go at me from bringing a "ringer" to the race - Danice is a bit fast y'see. She soon got over it though and we all had a laugh and a cry at the course and the 20min hike to the start.

For some reason there are Barbie dolls looking over the trails all over Squamish - Meet yer Maker was no different. Fun was had by all except De-rek (pronounced Dee-Reck) who cracked a couple of ribs - heeling vibes mate! (actually as I write this weeks later he's back on his bike)

As far as results go - I got 10th, beating Rich by a few seconds - Danice won the girls and Arthur won the guys - despite not pre-riding the course but including some very creative line choice!! Well done folkes!

After the race we went off for a lap of a recent favourite - Cake Walk. Fresh snow at the top didnt slow us much and the trail was minty with fresh trail work - nice job guys!

Oh, and the other thing about the toonie races - you get a free BBQ! All for $2 - so that was where we headed next! Sweet! We'll be back ;-)

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