Sunday, April 30, 2006

Not another day on Whistler? No......three!!!!!!

Just got back from Kwantlen's spring trip to Whistler.....

The college bus wasnt gonna get there until "a couple hours til the lifts shut o'clock" so I went up in the truck for an early start. Spring conditions mean its frozen solid in the morning and slushy after lunch with the art being finding the "good" snow that's in between! Its not exactly bad though, there's ooodles of snow to play with!

Being a friday, it was veeeeery quiet on the slopes - When I was away from the main gondola, I didnt see a single person! It's pretty cool having a whole mountainside to yourself - although I did feel like I couldnt do anything too extreme (just in case I ended up lying in a heap) but I did get all over the place and do well over 20 runs by the time my legs couldnt take it any more.

This is the deserted Harmony Bowl...I was the only one in it! Crazy!

After a few warm up runs in the bowl, I headed over to to Whistler Peak for some steeper fun.
click here to see the Whistler Peak panorama that was too big to upload!

I like steep skiing, so while I was alone I figured it was a great time to try the steepest lines Whistler has to offer. First up were two off the peak - the entrances (gap between the rocks) were scary edge-off-cliff affairs with no room for error (Couloir left, Cirque right)

"Couloir" has a very narrow (1 metre) entrance which goes steeply down about 10m to meet the main run from the side. The people in front of me shuffled slowly down on their bums but it looked to me like they might fall off the cliff at any second (!!) so I just skied straight down it! Talk about exciting! I did that one twice and it didnt get any easier - but once onto the main piste it was really steep and really good snow - sooo much fun.

Here's the guy in front shuffling...

...and this shows him at the point I went straight down to! Woooooohaa!!

Next was "Cirque". Again, a difficult narrow entrance - this one was about 2m wide so just about enough to make some quick turns - in between the exposed rocks! LOL!
You can just see the entrance in the top left of the pic below....

Does it look steep? It was!

Third time luck was "West Cirque" and yes, the entrance was gnarly. This run was my favourite cos it was steep and had lots of big rocks to go round - and it was really big! In the photo below, the circle is round a person standing at the bottom....

The pic below is the view from the top - the entrance is the slight ledge on the right - the little bit of rock you can see is the top of a(nother) cliff - I dont mind admitting my legs were shaking when I did this one - fall to the right here and rest gently on the snow - fall to the left.... and die!
Certainly not a good one for a windy day!

....and the view straight down - the speck right in the middle is a skier

I think the stress of being terrified took a lot out of me cos after doing these (and an nice little one called "Lifties Leap") my legs were shot so I headed back down to the village. Six hours of fun fuuun fuuuuuuun!

We stayed at the Blackcomb Lodge. It's a nice place - although with six in each room it was a little crowded. We all piled into one room to eat (yes, each room has full cooking facilities and a dishwasher)

When I caught up with them, Terry (below with Noo) had just managed to dislocate his shoulder while swimming! (did I mention there was a pool?) Apparently it was an old injury. He went off to the medical centre and was back in no time - get better soon Terry!

Later on a load of us went to club called Moe Joe's (clever eh?) I really liked it, grungy but good DJ and good sounds - and the waitresses kept bringing us free beer samples! Sweet!!!

Saturday dawned darkly. It had been raining all night and much to our dissapointment, it had also been raining on the mountain all night. When we got to the top of the main gondola it was snowing so we headed off for a quick run to test the conditions - unfortunately, the snow only lasted a little way before we dropped into the rain - I thought that was bad - until we got onto the chairlift in the driving rain. Oh what fun! By the time we got to the top we were all soaked so we went into the lodge to get some plastic bibs to protect us a little more. And then we went back out for a couple hours in sub zero tempretures - what can I say? It was cold. Very cold.

It was better after lunch - the snow was actually ok and we had a good few runs before giving up for the day. But it was soooooo good to get into the hot tub when we got back (did I mention there was a hot tub?)

And then we went out for Thai food.

It was veeeeery good. Yummy!

I woke up this morning aching. I think it's the fat skis - they're heavier so are much harder on the legs - well that's my excuse at least! Earl called wanting to know if I was skiing....I couldnt bear to dissapoint the poor fella so I selflessly agreed to go!

It was actually sunny! We had a good day on the mountain - the rain didnt seem to have caused much effect to the snow so once the morning freeze had thawed a bit we found some pretty good snow. We did a couple Harmony runs then headed onto the back side to the "Sun Bowl" - not very steep but miles and miles of open rolling snow - way off the piste of course.

Earl at the top of the Sun Bowl

The snow was blown about so much overnight that in places it was like powder! We did about 4 runs I think includind at about 1pm my first rock drop - just an ickle one but a proper one. Steep rocks - a bit of air and a landing at 500mph - wicked!

Earl having a breather! When you look at this photo you can see just behind to the left of Earl his line - he jumped and didnt make the landing - it was loads of fun on this terrain.

And that was about it. We did about 3 runs off the peak after lunch and headed down through the slush. I have to say, it was a very good weekend and well worth the small cost.

Whistler. Recommended! :-)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Beach pardy dude!

Have you noticed the way Canadian's don't (or won't) pronounce "t"s? They use "d" - they all call me "Mardin" out here.......... but I kinda like it.

With the end of finals in sight, there are a few parties going off.....such as the one on Wreck Beach next to UBC.

The now obligatory panorama shot! I guess they're right when they say Canada's big - I cant seem to fit anything on one photo anymore!

It was pretty quiet, a couple dozen people chilling out and cooking fish on the fire (no, I dont think they caught it).

Outi contemplating...

This is actually Vancouver's nudist beach but the dress code tonight was "wear something" - and while it was 20deg during the day, it was certainly a bit chilly as the sun went down!

I took this one after the sun was down - not bad eh?

We didnt stay too long cos 2 of the (4) Fins I was with had been awake for 36 hours since they just flew in today! Ah bless.

Better do some study now - I have one exam left - Human Resource Management, tomorrow!
Later dudes....

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The last day on Blackcomb

Blackcomb is the other mountain at Whistler. A friend of a friend (of a friend) managed to get half price lift tickets so we went to grab one last day before the mountain shuts for the summer.
The possie for the day was Kiyoka, her boyfriend Trung and his mate Vince. We met Tu (who got us the tickets) at Whistler with her friend Daniel.

It was hot. Damn hot.

I hadnt been to Blackcomb glacier before, it involves a gondola, two chair lifts, a t-bar and then a ten minute hike up over the ridge - hard work at almost 8000ft but worth it. The glacier is in a huge bowl - and it's full of powder baby! It was all chopped up when we were there, but no groomed piste, no moguls and no piste markers - just miles and miles of fluffy white stuff. Good times.

click here to see the glacier - technical difficulties prevented me from uploading it :-(

Despite the lack of new snow, I did manage to find some untouched powder on a remote corner of the glacier ;-) I can't wait for December to get back up there!

Quite a lot of people at the lodge, but very few on the slopes

The day was not without incident though. After our free lunch courtesy of Telus (who sponsor the festival) we set off to take Tu and Daniel up to the glacier. Unfortunately Tu's snowboarding wasnt quite up to the T-bar lift so we split up - Trung and Vince took Tu down and Kiyo, Daniel and I hit the glacier - the next problem was when we lost Daniel on the glacier - there's only one very narrow way out so we agreed to meet him there but he didnt show! I think he must have beaten us there - quite possible cos of the powder hunting we were doing but we waiting 40 mins before giving up and heading down....

The view down the glacier

We were waiting at the lodge when Vince turned up - bleeding - he'd been hit by another boarder and sliced his leg open. The medics patched him up a bit but took him down to the medical centre to get some stitches. Kiyoka went with them which just left Trung and I to get one last run on our way to pick up Vince. A couple hours later and we were on our way home.
It was nice to make the drive in daylight for a change. We even found time to stop at Shannon Falls - 1000ft high cliff with water falling off it! Look, I actually made it into a photo - can you see the sunburn/panda eyes?

Obligatory group photo....

Canada's such an ugly place ;-)

It was just getting dark as we got back to the city, an average Canadian sunset on the way....

And to finish up we had Tapas - mmmmm nice.

Well, back to study tomorrow - just two more exams to go!
Later dudes......

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter powder day

I didnt get a chance the other night to tell y'all about the fantastic day we had at Whistler.

There were 3 reasons: the powder (of course), the Roam premier (which was amazing) and the fact that today Kiyoka had an epiphany. Her skiing went from blue to double-black in about an hour!!

This is she standing on a gnarly steep off-piste bit under the Harmony lift. A few hours earlier and wild horses couldn't have got her here!

We made an early start so we were in the village by 7.45am - the snow report said it was a powder day so I at least was DESPERATE to get on the mountain early. We got on the lift just after it opened and found ourselves at the top of Whistler Mountain before 9 with miles of fresh powder in front of us.......

After a quick run it was clear that Kiyoka's rented boots were too tight so we had to head down to the village. This was a blessing cos with everyone heading up to find powder, we found ourselves on the lower mountain skiing through a foot of virgin powder all by ourselves!!

"Headwall" - 1-2ft of powder

For ages I've been on at Kiyoka to lean forward when she skis - today she finally got the hang of it and WHAT a difference it made. She's always been a great skier, but this small change really made a big difference.

After the run down to the village and a go at "Peak to Creek" (miles long and a vertical mile down) We had the powder bug BIG TIME! After that we spent the rest of the morning sessioning "Headwall" - an off piste run with some crazy steepness and rocks and drops to avoid. Ohhhh, such fun - and when we did fall - it was sooooooo soft.

After lunch we went over to Harmony Bowl - it was almost deserted! (click on it to see bigger version)

We spent the afternoon sniffing out the steepest powder we could find - and avoiding "pistes" at all costs! It was amaaaaaaaaaazing! And for once, we actually managed to catch the last lift up to the top - a truly full day of fantastic skiing. I hadnt really skied powder until today, but I think I've got my technique down now. Oh, and I luuuuuuuuuuuuurve to do the stupid fast big turns in the pow - its like flying! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

We're going again this weekend, I do hope it snows........

When tomorrow never comes....

As many of you know, I sold my big bike before crossing the Atlantic a few months back. In February I stuck an order in for my shiny new Cove Shocker. At the time, they were due in from the factory by the end of Feb. When March rolled around the Cove guys said they were due April 1st - obviously that must have been an April Fool because my ride is still nowhere to be seen! The latest is, it'll be here by the end of the month! hahahahaha, beleive it when I see it!!

Anyway, Tyler Morland has the first production bike so I thought I'd take some pics of it. Its a shame this is the team colour - its luverly :-)

The holes in the top of the chainstays and the linkage are team-only mods

and this is the German logo - apparently some bright spark registered the Cove trademark in Germany so they can't use it!! Bloody cheek eh?

I can't wait to get hold of mine.....

Monday, April 17, 2006

An Easter Sunday I'll never forget

Oh my god. I think today ranks up there in the top ten best days of my whole life.
I spent the day in Whistler with Kiyoka, it was an EPIC powder day with up to about 2ft of fresh powder to play in..... and boy did we play in it! We were steep n deep all day long!

And what could possibly follow that up? Well, only the World Premier of arguably the best extreme sports movie of all time: Roam

It's real late (or should I say early?) so for now I'll just say it was the awsome..... :-)
More of all this later.....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New neighbours?

Them downstairs are moving out at the end of the month and they were just telling me about the people moving in. Ryan Berrecloth and his mate..... apparently they are Mountain is Ryan's brother! ;-)

Doin' my bit

At long last on Sunday I had a chance to give something back to the North Shore bike trails that I love so much. The North Shore Mountain Bike Association (NSMBA) run trail days every few weeks through the summer where they invite members and volunteers to come up to the trails and do some maintenance. I've never been here when they've done one before so I was looking forward to it.

The weather was brilliant all week so it looked like being a great day of hard graft.....

......until it rained all saturday night and sunday!
That's me below in the distance holding a big white bucket!

There were loads of people there - 50-60 I'd guess. Everyone got a free coffee and muffin at The Bean then got bussed up to the tails by Cove Bikes (even Chas, founder of Cove Bikes was working today(second from right below)) and Bush Pilot Biking (my friends Johnny and Barb).

We worked on "Corkscrew" and "Salvation" and I have to say we got a lot done! It was very wet, very cold and very dirty work but it was great to be doin' my bit. I just hope next time the weather is better. So if you need any advice on digging, collecting rocks or repairing worn out trails, give me a call!

"spring" conditions....

Not too much going on this week in the land of Martn as I have so much school work. But I did get totally fed up of assignments on Saturday so went up to Cypress for a bit of spring skiing. For those that dont know "spring" skiing means "slush" skiing! Well it's not that bad if you stay higher up, but on the lower slopes its like porridge.

It does have its good points though - its soft to fall in for one and it also allows good technique practice since its akin to skiing in s-l-o-w m-o-t-i-o-n! The North Shore mountains shut for skiing etc on Monday so thats gonna be pretty sad :'( I think I might have to try my snowboarding one more time while it's soft!

It's a good think Whistler is open til June! :-)

Friday, April 07, 2006

First Semester nearly over...

Kiyoka and I have finished all our assignments for this semester - just the final exams to worry about now. They're worth 30-60% of the overall mark so they're make or break for passing the courses. But for today, we went for a celebratory smoothie at The Cactus Club. mmmmmmmm.

We were driving up to downtown (thats the city to us Brits) and had a little time to kill so we drove through Kitsilano - it's THE place to live in Vancouver.

Can you believe the park is 5 minutes from the centre of downtown!
Click on this one to see it better...

I even got to drive over Burrard Bridge today - a milestone for me cos I always used to have the web cam view of this bridge open when I was in England - you can always see what time of day it is or what the weather's doing click here to see for yourself (dont forget to scoll down)

I usually go over one of the other bridges but now I feel complete.

Well, that's it folks. Nothing much to report. I was thinking of skiing this weekend but the weather's been great all week - so no fresh snow - I'll go next week I think.

And speaking of Kiyoka - who would have guessed by best friend here would be a 19yr old Japanese girl - and by the way, her arm's much better. She'll soon be able to ski again.

Later dudes...

Sunday, April 02, 2006


No not my shoulder and thankfully not Kiyoka's either.

She was in such pain from the shoulder she hurt yesterday I went over and dragged her to Richmond ER. A couple hours and an X-ray later and they sent her home with instructions to ice it regularly and munch a few anti-inflammatories.

Looks like she'll be taking it easy for a while I think.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Mart's mini USA adventure

Awww! They got the sign wrong eh?

I just got back from the U S of A.

Remember Kiyoka? Well she was invited by a couple of her friends, (Trung and Jason - both Vietnam born, and now French Canadians living in Vancouver) to go skiing at Mount Baker in Washington state. They are "expert" snowboarders so she took me along to look after her.

In less than an hour from Van, we crossed the border - did you know it costs $6 to enter the US!? - as soon as you roll out of the crossing everything looks different. On the Canadian side there's a retail park and a big highway with industrial parks either side. On the US side there's a main street with buildings that look like there out of the wild west and within a mile all it changes to sparsley populated residential area with tiny timber houses - its like you've been tranported to no-wheres-ville USA. Real weird

Oh, and you'll love this bit if your reading from Blighty.... Gas (petrol) in Canada is around half the price of the UK but in Washington it was $2.67 a gallon or.....

34 pence per litre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, back to the point....
After another 15 miles we were at Mount Baker (the big mountain you can see south east of Vancouver on a clear day) which is actually a domant volcano - I'm not too sure what that means but you can see the steam coming out of it from Vancouver!

Oh, and it has A LOT of snow.....

A few years back they had 1140 inches in one season - yes, that's 95 feet folkes!

Needless to say, there was plenty of snow to ski on

Didnt manage to take many pictures - too busy having fun!
Big snowflakes....

Of course it snowed a lot while we were there, but it wasn't too cold so we all had a great time. Unfortunately Kiyoka fell akwardly on the first run (down a black obviously) and hurt her shoulder which just got worse through the day but she was brave and didnt stop us all having a lot of fun.

And then of course it was time to go :-(

If you're in the neighborhood, give Mt Baker a visit - its well worth it - good snow - good trails - old lifts and NO-ONE there!!!

And down the road, the have freeky moss covered trees - ooooooooooow spooky!

Later dudes....