Sunday, November 26, 2006

More snow, and more, and more and MORE!!

It's been snowing for the past 24hrs all over Vancouver so it seemed like the snow might be pretty good in the mountains. We had planned to go to Whistler but we heard it was -21 and windy with only 12cm of new snow BUT we also heard there was 51cm of powder at Mt Baker in the good ol' US of A so - no brainer - we headed off down there!

and did we find snow? Oh my god yes we did!

it was snowing heavily when we got there and it didnt let up all day

there was actually 2-3 ft of snow on the trees!!!

although as a powder rookie I really struggled in the deep powder. I could manage with it just above my knees, but hadn't a hope once my legs dissapeared into it

here's Rich (blue) and Dennis - Rich is not standing behind a bump - that's just the snow depth!

It was a tough day today - my first ski day this season - powder at least twice the depth I've ever seen and skiing with people way beyond my ability - hardcore! By the end of the day I could hardly stand....

Steep and deep!

this was Rich's car when we finished - a good foot of powder. We cleared it off then went inside to change - when we came out there was already an inch on it!!

Amber had a few 'moments' on the way down the mountain - actually a lot of people had 'moments' - it took us about 90mins to get down the 15min access road - oh, and about 5 hours to get home through the blizzards (inplace of 1.5h) - we didnt see a single bit of tarmac through the snow and ice.....

....back in Vancouver there was a foot of snow!
This was taked outside my appartment.

Oh, and you wouldnt believe how good snow tyres are! Awsome dude.

Thanks to Rich, Kev, Amber, Ross and Dennis for waiting for me all day

Musical Penguins

We went to the movies the other day. I was a little apprehensive when I found out we were going to see a musical cartoon about a penguin! I was, however, wrong. It was actually pretty good. Check out the trailer.....

Happy Feet Trailer

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


It's well and truly scrumptious, err I mean fall - well you know, Autumn so the leaves are mostly on the plane, err, I mean on the ground.

Its been three whole weeks since I've done a day ride (thanks in part to the rain - and in part to my indifference with rain) so I was really happy to brave the weather and join Jon and Michelle for a quick lap of Fromme. It was raining a little but nothin too serious.....

...until it started snowing.....

by the time we got to the top there was about 8 inches or so settled on the fire road

cool bike rack eh? get it? Cool? Bike Rack hahahahah. This is the first decent pic of my new bike. Aint she lovely :-)

Jon taking a photo of me taking a photo of Jon taking a photo of me taking a photo of Jon taking a photo of me taking a photo of Jon taking a photo of me......well, you get the point!

.....and Michelle trying to get out of the picture!

nothin too serious today, just a black diamond run ;-)

the trees do a good job of sheltering the trail so there was about half as much snow under cover, but still enough to make it lots of fun :-)

it kept snowing for aaaaages
(the blotches on the photo are the reflections off the snow)

although it was kinda dark in the trees

this is about the last we saw of the snow falling and as you can see it hadnt settled although this was a long way down. Beyond this point it was just raining

and as a special treat for those of you still trying to ride a bike through the English mud - this is what a really yukky, wet ride does to your bike here - notice the wheels that still go round, the gears that still work and the essential use of 2.5inch downhill tyres

Did I mention I like it here?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Oh what a surprise - it's raining...again!!

There's been rain, rain and more rain here for the past couple weeks with only a couple days break. It's a public holiday (remembrance Day) on Monday so we have a long weekend to look forward to but....yes, you've guessed it, it's going to rain! Not only is it going to rain but the government have issued a severe weather warning - for rain!!

I shouldn't grumble though - I'm lucky enough to live on a mountain - on the low land further up the Fraiser Valley, there are severe floods with hundreds of people evacuated - not good.

Anyway, the plan this weekend is to see Borat tonight, then ride Fromme Saturday and Burke Sunday - I've never been to Burke so I'm hoping the weather is kind.

13 days until Whistler opens :-)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Aachal's Birthday celebration

Last night I was lucky enough to go to Aachal's birthday celebrations with her friends and family at their temple

Here's Aach with Lena (name spellings now corrected by the lovely Aachal!)

obviously, Sari's were the order of the day for the women

here's Aach looking up to me ;-)
with Andy (left) and Kaiwan

Kaiwan & Hovi

some family - from left to right Anjula, Ranga, Sashi, Aach, Kalpana & Shri, Christina

Kamesh, Manjula, Aach and Shlu (the Aunt/Uncle Aach lives with)

all the cousins

is Aachal tiny or is that a huge cake?

......(its a huge cake)

its traditional for family to feed cake to the birthday girl. This is Aach's gran (Dhana) - her favourite relative I think

one of her cousins getting carried away and getting cake on her sari, in her hair and all over her face!!

the birthday girl

Friday, November 03, 2006


So what is happiness? They say money can't buy you happiness, but can it? Who do you know that couldnt have a whole lot of fun given a whole lot of cash? Not many I'll wager. I got to thinking about it the other day listening to a radio competition.

"Yes Brock, you have won $100,000" was followed by a slightly stunned listener shouting and hollering (is that really a word?). Wow, I thought, what would I do with a hundred grand. The more I thought about it, the more disappointed I was that I couldn't really think of anything. Sure, I could buy a new car (although nothing special) and I could buy some new bits to hang on my bike, but it wouldnt buy me a house. It wouldnt buy an apartment. And it certainly wouldnt buy me a place a Whistler for weekends ;-) But a hundred grand is still a lot of cash!

So what's wrong with me? Why can't I think of anything worth splurging on? Well folkes, my epiphany came when I realized that aside from a place to hang my hat, I'm lucky enough to have all the "things" I want. I have two very hot bikes and would be hard pushed to better them IMHO. I have my ski gear which I'm very happy with and I have a good (when it wants to be) laptop, a nice new digital camera, an ipod (thanks Ma, Tim and Sis) clothes to wear and a comfy bed to sleep in.

So what does that leave? Well, as a Business Student I'd have to gingerly put my hand up and say "services"; or probably more accurately "activities". I can't spend it on holidays - I live in paradise. I could fly back to England more often - but I HATE flying long haul so am unlikely to pursue that. What about those expensive lift passes for skiing? - I already have my Whistler and Cypress passes in the bag for this Winter. But what of Summer? I won't need a Bike Park Pass for another eight months so plenty of time to save up for that. Ah yes, socializing. Well it's true I'd love to take my friends out to eat all the time but in reality, I have modest tastes and eating out is half price in Vancouver compared to England! Add to that the speed with which the novelty would wear off and it doesnt seem a great idea. Hmm. Can't really think of much their either then.

Short of just blowing it on diamond-encrusted crash helmets and extravagant heli-skiing trips I'm stumped. Of course, I'd share my good fortune with family/friends etc and my wardrobe and car would get an upgrade but they are just eccentricities. The truth of the matter is, living here in Vancouver with the things I enjoy available at world-class quality in my back yard, I dont "want" for much and "need" even less. I'm happy. And so I should be. Viva Los Vancouver!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloweeeeeeeen!

Canada, well North America in fact is an odd place sometimes. It could be government organised car insurance, or stupidly complicated cell-phones and bank accounts, or maybe even just people driving really, really big trucks but there's always some new thing to freak out at!

Today (or rather, back on 31st October - by the time I get this on the blog) it's their attitude to Halloween. And to put this into context, we should remember that there isn't much of an attitude to the last day of October in England - a re-run of Jamie Lee Curtis looking a lot younger, Jack Nicholson sprouting hair and chasing after Michelle Pfiefer or even Sarah Michelle Gellar's less well-known role. But. In England there's only mild trick-or-treating and very little else going on.

Not so in Canada. Here, we've been looking forward to it for weeks on end. The shops are full of costumes and props and everywhere you go there's a pumpkin incarnation - Pumpkin Donuts was the last one I heard.

Then there's the day itself. Oh my god. Half the college was in fancy dress! My (working) friends pushed off early and EVERYONE seems to be going to a party. The oddest thing I saw though wasn't the decorations on peoples houses, or even the ones throughout the tax office (where I work most weekends now) but the business man standing at the bus stop. He was alone, minding his own business, breifcase at his side, quietly reading the paper while standing at the road side.......

.......wearing a full Superman outfit, complete with cape and red boots!! Oh Canada!